Text Box: Congratulations
on Your New House

          Text Box: Matthew & Jean 축하 합니다
I am so proud of you for your 
hard work


                     Description: Description: Jean's-New-House-Web


              Description: Description: Jean's Pictures 00039          Description: Description: 2010 Emmy Award


                      Joy And Love










Text Box: Dear Matthew, Jean & William

사랑하는 Jean  and Matthew 축하 하며, 엄마,아빠가 너무 기쁘다.


I wanted to congratulations again on your new house with happiness  and prosperity.

Hoping that all of the hard work that you do brings you everything  that you deserve.

언제나 행복하고 건강하고 번영하는 가정이길 엄마,아빠는 기원한다.





New Home

축하 합니다

Love, Mom & Dad

St. Joseph, MO

Description: Description: William 1-10-10 011